The terminals are strategically located near population centres, but, most importantly, with convenient connections to ports, rail routes and major roads. There is a short stop at the terminal for immediate reloading.

Terminals are often the first establishment at a new logistics location.

What happens in a terminal?

A terminal is primarily designed for the transshipment of cargo and goods that are received and delivered on the same day. Goods arrive there from manufacturers and distributors in Sweden and elsewhere in the world, by sea, air, rail and road. Some are container terminals that are especially well equipped for transferring cargo from one mode of transport to another.

Terminals are generally operated by one of the major third-party logistics players and several hundred customers may be served by a single terminal.


DHL and PostNord are examples of companies with operations in Catena's termials.

Future-proofed terminals

Our ambition is net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, which, among other things, affects the construction process when a new terminal is to be built. We also want to achieve environmental certifications on 100 percent of the Group’s lettable area and net-positive property portfolio in terms of biodiversity.

Do you want to know more about our different types of properties?

Our specialised focus on logistics properties may seem narrow, but it means that we amass invaluable expertise and can instead assume a broad and long-term responsibility, a responsibility that ranges from new production to customer-oriented day-to-day property management. Please contact us.