
Energy project in Jakobsberg

Catena can replace district heating with geothermal energy solutions in several properties and combine them with solar panels for increased profitability and reduced emissions. One such facility was installed in Jakobsberg in 2018.

In several of Catena's properties, there is an opportunity to replace district heating with various types of geothermal energy solutions. In properties that house refrigeration and freezer facilities, combining these solutions with solar panels can enhance project profitability while further reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In 2018, we invested in such a facility at the Dikartorp 3:12 property located in Jakobsberg, just outside Stockholm.

The property includes a refrigeration and freezer terminal, which requires significant cooling, while other parts of the building have spaces that need heating. The surplus energy generated by the cooling units is recovered and used in other parts of the property. In combination with the geothermal system, this enables the heating needs of the property to be met very efficiently.

Solar panel installations are well-suited for this type of property, as refrigeration and freezer terminals have a particularly high energy demand during the summer months. The solar panels produce the most electricity during the summer, when the refrigeration units require the most power to operate.

During the summer months, when the property has a lower heating demand, the excess heat generated by the cooling units can be used to recharge the geothermal energy storage. Recharging the boreholes with heat prepares the geothermal system for the colder part of the year, thereby creating better opportunities to efficiently meet the heating demand throughout the entire year.

We observed during the first full month with the new energy meters in operation that, after adjusting for normal-year corrections, the heating consumption had decreased by as much as 78 percent compared to the previous year. Smarter energy solutions with new technology are a win for both us and our tenants — but most importantly, they are a sustainability win for the environment.

  • Hus
    8,3 project cost, SEK M
  • Graph Up
    13,1% direct yield
  • Calendar
    7,6 payback period, years

Facts about the facility

The geothermal energy system consists of 20 energy wells, each with a drilling depth of 225 meters, and three heat pumps with a total heating capacity of 264 kWh. The solar power system comprises 943 solar modules, each with a capacity of 270 W, and is estimated to produce 248,000 kWh per year.