
Thoughtfully designed green spaces at Logistics Position Tostarp

At Logistikposition Tostarp in Helsingborg, Catena has taken several measures to support biodiversity in the area.

At Logistics Position Tostarp in Helsingborg, Catena has undertaken several important initiatives to enhance biodiversity in the area. We aim to create a sustainable and vibrant environment that benefits both nature and the people who work on-site.

As part of this effort, we have established green spaces with meadow grasses, bulb plants, and other native perennials that attract pollinators and contribute to a richer ecosystem. To further support the local fauna, we have installed customized birdhouses, specifically designed for the kestrels that inhabit the nearby area.

We have also created vibrant flower beds at the entrances of the properties to enhance the green atmosphere and provide a welcoming impression for visitors. In the next phase, we will extend our efforts along the embankment by the highway, where we plan to introduce plant species particularly beneficial to biodiversity.

Learn more about Catena's sustainability work here.

Flower meadow outside the property Plantehuset 3 at Logistics Position Tostarp in Helsingborg
Flowers growing outside the property Plantehuset 3, leased by Postnord, at Logistics Position Tostarp in Helsingborg
Catena employees sitting on a bench and talking outside the property Plantehuset 3 at Logistics Position Tostarp in Helsingborg
Flowers growing outside the property Plantehuset 3, leased by Postnord, at Logistics Position Tostarp in Helsingborg