Here you will find contact details for our employees in Region Sweden East the addresses of our offices in Stockholm and Umeå.

The Stockholm area together with the rest of Mälardalen and other important logistics locations such as Örebro, Norrköping, Katrineholm and Södertälje, Region East represents a very large population area in the Scandinavian market.

The region also includes Catena's properties in northern Sweden with locations such as Sundsvall, Umeå and Luleå. Northern Sweden has taken a leading position in the climate transition through several large and parallel industrial investments.

+46-42-449 22 00

Area: Stockholm

Area: Norrland

Area: Örebro, Eskilstuna and Karlstad

Area: Östergötland and Katrineholm

Find our office in Nyköping

Gasverksvägen 1, SE-611 35 Nyköping 

Our office-hub in Umeå

Depåvägen 1, SE-901 37 Umeå

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See our other offices and regions.

Corporate functions

+46-42-449 22 00

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Region Denmark

+46-42-449 22 00

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Region South

+46-42-449 22 00

See coworkers

Region West

+46-42-449 22 00

See coworkers