The credit rating agreement Catena has had with Nordic Credit Rating (NCR) since 2021 has been terminated today.
28 February 2025 10.30 a.m. CEST
As part of Catena’s ongoing evaluation of the business, a decision has been made to terminate the agreement with NCR. Catena will continue to receive credit ratings from Fitch Ratings, which the company considers sufficient to meet the needs of the market and stakeholders.
“Over the years, we have established a high level of trust in the market through transparency, stable financial governance and a clear business strategy. This lays a solid foundation for continuing to attract investors and creditors while ensuring cost-effective information management”, comments Catena’s Chief Treasury Officer, David Silvesjö.
For further information, please contact:
David Silvesjö, Chief Treasury Officer, Tel. + 46 (0)730 70 22 22,
Jörgen Eriksson, CEO, Tel. +46 (0)730 70 22 42,
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