
Financing automation for Nelly has strengthened its operations in Borås through a close partnership with Catena. By financing and implementing a modern automation solution, Nelly has increased its competitiveness and created a foundation for future growth., a leading Nordic online fashion retailer, is a tenant in the Åre 92 property in Borås. A long-term partnership has been established with Catena.

Catena acquired the facility in 2020, shortly after its completion. Following Nelly's move-in, a supplementary agreement was made to finance and implement an automation solution from Autostore, which was quickly brought into operation at the facility. Through this tailored collaboration and strong local presence, Catena can meet Nelly's needs, both now and in the future.

When you enter into a long-term lease, it's like getting married to each other. For us, it feels good to have a stable landlord who understands logistics and can accompany us on our journey. Over time, our needs will surely change.

John Afzelius, CFO at Nelly

The modern and automated facility contributes to Nelly's competitiveness and creates opportunities for continued growth. One of the first initiatives Catena undertook in the property was to certify the building according to the Miljöbyggnad Silver standard.

"Through professional and rational discussions with Catena, we have been able to make adjustments efficiently. Manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing impact the environment and people, and with that comes responsibility. Sustainability is ‘left, right and center’ for us, and a well-designed facility is a fundamental prerequisite," says John Afzelius, CFO at

In addition to the benefits that efficient and modern premises provide, there were other reasons for Nelly to relocate its warehousing operations.

"Borås is an excellent logistics location in the heart of the fashion, textile, and e-commerce sectors. The location offers coordination benefits related to outgoing shipments and pick-up times. Most of our operations were already based here, and we see great value in having our organization more centralized to work closely together," says John Afzelius.

When discussing the future and the continued development of Nelly's offerings, brand, and logistics, John emphasizes the importance of close relationships, including between tenant and landlord.

"It felt good that we could smoothly ensure an efficient and stable facility and get operations up and running. Now, the focus is entirely on development. The personal contact is valuable to us, and Catena has lived up to all expectations, regardless of whom we have been in contact with. I am optimistic about what we can achieve together moving forward."