15 largest shareholders

Shareholder Number of shares Percentage of votes and capital Verified
Backahill  11,220,751 20.45% 2024-05-29
WDP NV/SA   5,496,206 10.02% 2024-05-29
Länsförsäkringar Fonder   3,103,516 5.66% 2024-05-29
PGGM Pensioenfonds   2,249,138 4.10% 2024-05-29
Swedbank Robur Fonder   2,185,218 3.98% 2024-05-31
SEB Fonder   1,666,650 3.04% 2024-05-29
Vanguard   1,479,927  2.70% 2024-04-30
BlackRock   1,190,086 2.17% 2024-05-31
Gustaf Hermelin   1,064,000 1.94% 2024-05-29
Columbia Threadneedle   1,027,654 1.87% 2024-04-30
AFA Försäkring      843,424 1.54% 2024-05-29
Norges Bank      841,745 1.53% 2023-12-31
Cliens Fonder      830,000 1.51% 2024-05-29
Handelsbanken Fonder      797,670 1.45% 2024-05-31
ODIN Fonder      758,706   1.38%  2024-05-29
Total top-15  34,754,736 63.34%  
Others 20,118,086 36.66%   
 Total 54,872,822 100,0%  

(verified 2024-06-10)

Ownership by geography

Country Number of shares Percentage of votes and capital Percentage of number of known shareholders
Sweden 27,481,288 50.11% 96.25%
USA 7,037,677 12.93%   0.47%
Belgium 5,589,555 10.20%   0.06%
The Netherlands 3,215,771 5.97%   0.09%
Norway 2,229,288 4.21%   0.53%
Others 4,173,228 7.76%   2.59%
Anonymous ownership 5,146,015 8,83%  N/A
Total 54,872,822 100,0% 100,0%

(verified 2024-06-10)

Ownership distribution by type

Type Number of shares        Percentage of votes and capital Percentage of known shareholders
Swedish institutional owners 12,400,096 22.62%   0.37%
Foreign institutional owners 16,571,192 30.72%   0.73%
Others 17,461,684 31.82%   4.97%
Swedish private individuals 3,293,835  6.00% 93.93%
Anonymous ownership 5,146,015 8.83%  
Total 54,872,822 100,0% 100,0%

(verified 2024-06-10)


Concentration Number of shares Percentage of votes and capital
The 10 largest owners 30,683,191 55.92%
The 20 largest owners 37,826,876 69.19%
The 30 largest owners 40,702,278 74.48%

(verified 2024-06-10)