Svensk FastighetsFinansiering AB is a finance company that issues bonds on the Swedish capital market via a secured MTN programme of SEK 12,000 million. The bonds are secured by mortgages in properties and are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Through SFF, investors in the bond market receive collateral in a diversified and high-quality real estate portfolio.
SFF is owned equally by the listed real estate companies Catena AB, Diös Fastigheter AB, Fabege AB, Platzer Fastigheter Holding AB and Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB.
The company was launched in January 2015 and since autumn 2015, SFF has a green framework and also issues Green bonds under the company's MTN program. The purpose is to facilitate financing of climate-smart and ecologically sustainable properties. SFF works actively to support the green bond market, and the Green Bonds are listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Sustainable Bonds List.