With great spaces comes great opportunities

Catena works actively to install solar cell plants on the roofs of our properties. At the end of 2022, Catena issued a press release about a directed share issue. The proceeds from the sucessful issue are intended to support current development projects, capitalise on attractive acquisition opportunities and enable Catena to grow through new projects, including energy projects.

Production of renewable energy

  2022 2021 2020
Self-generated solar energy, MWh* 6 724 3 597 2 764
    - of which Catena 2 898 1 846 856
    - of which tenants 3 826 1 751 1 908
Total no. solar cell plants installed** 27 19 13
    - of which Catena 24 16 10
    - of which tenants 3 3 3
Total installed output, kWp** 10 152 6 400 4 627

* Distribution between Catena and the tenant is governed by subscription holdings.
** Distribution between Catena and tenant is governed by investment.